Saturday, 2 March 2019

Young Identity at Big Words, Chorlton


 I was invited as a member of Young Identity to perform at spoken word night Big Words at Vinyl Fiction in Chorlton. 

 I hadn't been to Chorlton in five years, and had a mini-adventure hopping on a tram and heading off into the sunset. It was a relief to see the familiar shape of the big Morrisons, as well as some blossomy trees and Brewski, where I stopped to enjoy a halloumi burger and sticky toffee pudding.

 I arrived at Vinyl Fiction and settled in for a really nice night. I heard some amazing work, both from my Young Identity friends, and from writers who were new to me, and who I am happy to have discovered. 

 I shared my "Blood ghazal" from the anthology GASP, as well as some of my newer poems, to a great reception - the audience was attentive and warm, and having my friends there, smiling at me and finger-clicking at their favourite lines, was extra-lovely.

 With enthusiastic hosts, a game of Vinyl Fictionary (nothing at all like Pictionary...) in which I correctly guessed an answer (Van Morrison), and little touches such as our names being written up nicely on a board behind us, it was fun, and cosy, and I will definitely be attending Big Words again.

 Thanks for reading,

 Liz x

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