Sunday, 23 December 2018

Far Off Places - Launch night in Edinburgh


Enjoying the views from the big wheel!

I have two poems in the latest - and, sadly, final - issue of Far Off Places, a beautiful journal that I have followed for years. They were also the first magazine to publish one of my translations, and have been so friendly and supportive.

 So, when I was invited to read at their launch night at Lighthouse Bookshop in Edinburgh, I decided to accept - it was a long way from Manchester, but I thought it would make a nice little trip. It was indeed: I read some poems to a really nice and warm audience, then spent hours sitting and chatting with the Far Off Places team and other lovely writers and creatives.

 I also enjoyed exploring Edinburgh: visiting the Christmas market, taking in the views from the big wheel, eating mac 'n' cheese at a vegetarian restaurant, and having a hot chocolate at Black Medicine Coffee, in the building where some of Harry Potter was written.

Mac 'n' cheese!

 The last stop on my tour was the Scottish Poetry Library, where I saw two of the famous book sculptures - they were so intricate and magical - and was able to relax for a bit before catching my train back. 

 I am very grateful to the Far Off Places team and everyone else I met for being so welcoming and for the suggestions of places to visit. I would love to return to Edinburgh some day, and hope to travel to more far off places (get it) to share my writing and meet new people.

 Liz x

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